Herbal incense is a unique combination of natural herbs in the form of a smudge bundle. Fresh plants are braided into a short wand shape and then dried for about two to three weeks. To release the bouquet of aromatic scents, the incense should be lit and then smoldered. Incense is used in the tradition of many mystical rituals, during meditation or ceremonies, but also has applications in cosmetics. The herbal smudge has antiseptic properties and acts bactericidal. Natural herbal incense also neutralizes odors and helps in the cleansing of energetic stagnation.
accelerating wound healing and having anti-inflammatory properties.
How to Burn Herbal Incense?
To use herbal incense, light the end of the incense stick. Once the herbs catch fire, blow it out. Then, you can make a few movements down, up, or in a circle, and place the incense on a non-flammable holder. With the smoldering incense, you can move around, smudging the body or the space. However, it’s a good idea to keep a holder nearby as ash may fall off. Before starting the ritual, it is important to close all windows, and after finishing, you can open them, even creating a draft to release the trapped air and cleanse the energetic aura, as well as eliminate harmful microorganisms.
Are There Any Contraindications for Burning Herbal Incense?
Although burning herbs has many benefits, it is not suitable for everyone. People suffering from asthma and other respiratory diseases, pregnant women, the elderly, people with anxiety disorders (intense scent may cause unease), and those allergic to specific herbs should avoid incense smoke. For more detailed information on “natural incense,” visit our blog.