Natural incense for charms


Protection incense made of natural ingredients, fights charms and curses. The composition made of vervicacea, mugwort, goldenrod and yarrow will protect and purify the soul and body.

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Natural incense for charms – properties:

The composition of herbs from native meadows will provide solid protection for our soul and home. A streusel woven from vertica, yarrow, mugwort and goldenrod. Four very powerful herbs. Cleanse the aura and stagnant energy. They will chase away evil spirits and demons. They will protect from curses. Mugwort is a very energetic plant. It will bring purification, and goldenrod will bring prosperity and well-being. Their aroma will unleash inner strength and courage for action. The smoke of the verdure will protect against spells. It will support health and vital energy. In folk traditions, it was used to douse houses and hide them under thatched roofs to protect them from negative forces. Frankincense for charms is recommended in rituals of purification and protection.

Length approximately 18 cm (+/- 2 cm)

Review photo, incense can differ slightly visually (composition of herbs preserved), they are similar in form, but not identical – this is the result of hands and different forms of plants.

Slavic streak, streak stick, herbal wand-natural incense for charms.

Slavic culture is a belief in good and bad energy. Plants supported both good and evil. Ancient ancestors benefited from the knowledge of herbs, and their smudging, or burning, was supposed to ensure the cleansing of homes, purify the spirit, body and bring good fortune. In addition – smoking herbs has antiseptic properties, has a purifying effect on the air, removes microorganisms and viruses. It supports the treatment of many diseases. Fumigation was used in the chambers where the sick lay to get rid of harmful bacteria, and farm animals were also fumigated to ensure their health.

How to burn herbal incense?

The incense is in the form of a wand, its tip should be set on fire, when the fire occupies the herbs, it should be blown out. Then make a few downward, upward, or circular motions ( add air – give cug) and put the whole thing down on a non-flammable stand. With smoldering incense you can walk around, fumigating your body or home. However, it is good to have a stand with you, as ash may fall from it. Prior to the encirclement, it is a good idea to lean on the intention and think about the purpose of the encirclement. For more information on why you should use Polish herbs rather than exotic ones, read here.


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