Herbal incense is a combination of natural herbs in the form of a formed bundle-smudge. The fresh plants are braided into the shape of a short stick-wand, and then dried for about two weeks. In order for the incense to release its aromatic fragrances, it must be set on fire, and then the fire must be blown out to smolder. Frankincense is used in the tradition of mystical rituals, meditation, ceremony, but also has applications in cosmetics. They have antiseptic properties, act as bactericides, neutralize odors, and help clear energy stagnation.

Natural smoke fumigation – application:
- A ritual to purify the spirit and body, as well as certain objects, such as stones.
- The ritual of cleansing the premises of accumulated negative energy,
- The pleasant aromatic sensation from the aroma of herbs promotes concentration while meditating,
- neutralizing unpleasant odors,
- Cleaning the air of microorganisms,
- stress relief,
- Accelerating wound healing, anti-inflammatory properties,
Are there contraindications to smoking herbal incense?
Burning herbs, although it has a lot of advantages, is not for everyone. Smoke from incense should be avoided by people suffering from asthma and other respiratory diseases, pregnant women, the elderly, people suffering from anxiety disorders (the intense smell can make them anxious), people allergic to particular herbs (chamomile is reputed to be quite allergenic).
How to make natural herbal incense?
Is it possible to make incense yourself? Of course! there is nothing easier. Anyone can be a witch here. It used to be that fumigation was a weekday ritual. Our Slavic ancestors drew their life-giving powers from nature and fire. Smoke decoration was a form of connecting with the gods, curing, healing the mind, warding off unclean forces, bringing blessings. Why did it go away so easily? … Today we are returning to this tradition, and the return will be much easier than you think.
What do we need to make natural incense?
- Herbs from Polish meadows and forests,
- Scissors or pruning shears,
- a piece of cotton string or linen thread-it is important that it is a yarn of natural origin. (Artificial fibers when burned will emit harmful substances).
- Some time and focus.
How to prepare DIY incense?
If you have prepared a large handful of selected fresh herbs (dried, they will crumble when weaving), you should choose a method of combining them. The first way is to arrange a very tight bunch from evenly trimmed twigs. At the bottom of it, we tie a string on a loop, and then spiral the whole thing upwards, so that the bundle is compact and the leaves, as little as possible, come out to the sides. As we reach the top of the incense, the action is repeated in a downward spiral to reach the string with which we started and tie the two ends.
The second way is to arrange the herbs more finely, grading them, while keeping the thickness of the streak more or less even. It is important that the whole thing is compact and compact. In this weave, we start the top of the incense quite thickly, the plants will gradually move downwards-so as not to create thickening. We cut off the uneven end. Braid the whole in a spiral as above. To add charm to the herbs, flowers can be woven in decoratively.
More skillful witches may nomen omen be tempted 🙂 for the weave used in garlands.
The average length of the incense should be between 20 and 40 cm.
The finished bundle is left to dry on paper, remembering to flip it over from time to time, or you can hang it on a string. The incense should be ready for use after about 2 weeks. The process can be accelerated by drying the streak in the oven at 30°C.
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What are the properties of natural herbal incense?
Does it have an antiseptic effect?
Fire breathes with Mother Earth. Most Slavic rituals were associated with fire, it was a kind of communication between the gods and the earthly. But if we take a look at smudging without getting into the mystical shell, it turns out that smudging (smoking) herbs has its health benefits scientifically proven. It turns out that by burning natural incense for an hour, we can reduce the amount of bacteria in a room by 94%-that’s why it has an antiseptic effect. For the next 24 hours after fumigation, the air in the area is still clean. A smattering of herbs such as wormwood, mugwort, sage, jasmine, lavender, juniper and many others kill bacteria. For example-birch smoke eliminates staphylococcus from the air, which can be resistant to antibiotics. And using data from the world-it has been proven that the release of natural essential oils has a therapeutic effect. A study was conducted on the resin of the boswellia tree, which confirmed that the fragrance is able to repair cancer-damaged cells.
The mystical properties of herbal incense date back to ancient times. Smudging herbs also played an important role in the ceremonies of our native Slavs. It brought or drove away the right energy, protected and cleaned. Planting was such an important part of the culture, because it was believed that plants, are more than an organism-they have a soul. By interacting with them, they were asked to contact their spirit. At the rituals, intentions were raised, asking for wisdom, love, peace, well-being, healing. Therefore, charms were taken off using wormwood or mugwort, summoning the beloved with mullein or lavender. Our ancestors were very familiar with the properties enchanted in particular trees and herbs, knew how to use them, and we are now returning to their roots. By burning natural incense we expand our consciousness and bring energy balance, restore health and harmony in our mind, with the smoke of the plants we can raise our prayers, requests, intentions. (Exactly the same thing is done in the rite of the Catholic mass, when the resinous incense is set off- such are the pagan customs they have 😉
What herbs to choose for natural incense?
Polish meadows abound in many beneficial plants, it is important that they are plants that grow in our latitude, this is related to the natural ecosystem, cultural ethics and respect for the traditions of a particular region of the world. For more on why you shouldn’t smoke palo santo, for example, but native weed, click here.
When is the best time to harvest herbs?
The most aromatic herbs are those harvested during flowering and at the beginning of growth. If you want to go to great lengths, it’s also worth checking the phases of the moon, and it’s best to do it at the time of arrival, i.e. between new moon and full moon. This is due to the very efficient growth of plants at this time.
Where to collect herbs for incense?
Preferably away from civilization. Let’s look for them in the meadows, in the forest, and maybe even in your garden. Often we don’t realize that a common weed we’ve been pulling up until now can be of great use to us. It is important that the plants grow far from the road attended by cars, because harmful substances from exhaust fumes settle on the leaves, or doggies most simply “aspen” each bush.
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How to combine herbs for incense?
This topic is worth dwelling on, but also not fixated on. To begin with, you can weave incense from one type of herb. It is important not to combine plants with opposite properties, but rather to create compositions whose composition will support each other and have similar fragrance notes, for example. we combine rose and lavender forming a loving, harmonious duet, but rose and pine no longer combine, because these scents will bite. Mugwort, vermilion, mullein are weather herbs, that is, they neutralize energy interference, an indication that you can confidently smoke them with each other. Polish plants smell of wild smoke, but such is their beauty, such is our genesis of cultural rituals. After all, we come from a deciduous forest, not an Amazonian primeval forest.
Which herbs to choose and their properties:
responsible for healing and auspiciousness, used in magical protection rituals, in exorcisms, enhances mystical visions, strong antibacterial properties, recommended for fumigation of rooms where the sick arrived, weather herb-neutralizes energy disturbances (storm, related to the operation of electrical devices, such as cell phones, computers, etc.), can be boldly combined with mugwort, juniper, sage, thyme.
Mugwort – there are many types, but they all have similar properties, used in rituals of purification and protection, it is truly a witch’s herb, it was used to chase away bad luck, invoke luck and desire, sagebrush was burned to calm down, it is ideal for meditation, and lit before bedtime can aid the process of conscious dreaming, it was called the herb of Artemis, it was an antidote to curses, girdling oneself with a live plant used to bring back a beloved, also a weather herb-neutralizes energy disturbances, recommended for fumigation of rooms where we work, where there is a computer, telephone and other devices that emit static electricity.
Ivy will do a great job in the rituals of home encirclement, warding off evil spirits.
Cornflower burnt on Saturday(Kupala Night) drives away evil spirits and demons.
Oak, although not an herb, is worth mentioning in the context of adding its leaves to incense. It has special protective properties and is responsible for good fortune, fertility and prosperity. The scent of oak smoke brings good luck, and by surrounding the house with it, it will cleanse it of the energy of evil entities.
Virgin – a potent cleansing plant, called the braid of the Virgin Mary (again, the church wanted to seize pagan traditions), improves respiratory functions, the smoke has a beneficial effect on the lungs, the herb used in rituals to give courage and strength, if collected on Saturday, it acts, like a powerful talisman and will bring good luck, in addition, it chases away negative vibrations, weather herb – neutralizes energy disturbances, recommended for fumigation of rooms where we work, where there is a computer, telephone and other devices that emit static electricity.
St. John’s wort attracts good luck and love, used in protection rituals, used for clairvoyance, weather herb – neutralizes energy disturbances, recommended for fumigation of rooms where we work, where there is a computer, telephone and other devices that emit static electricity.
Hyssop strengthens protective rituals, enhances and attracts good luck.
Juniper is a powerful antiseptic plant, has a protective, cleansing, disinfecting effect, and wards off demons.
Dill enhances protective rituals, attracts love, increases desire, activates sexual energies, and attracts abundance.
Trestle is a cleansing herb, very intensely fragrant (use small amounts, smoke only when the window is open), used in rituals to draw down curses.
Yarrow enhances cleansing rituals, eliminates toxins from the air, acts as an antiseptic, yarrow fights charms, adds strength and self-confidence, activates clairvoyance, sharpens the mind.
Lavender calms, attracts the balance of the spirit, helpful for meditation, brings love and happiness, protects the soul and body, invokes health, improves the quality of sleep, excellent, in addition to other plants.
Lovage – its smell is not one of the most pleasant, but its presence in the incense will attract your beloved.
Melissa doesn’t smell the best, but it restores peace of mind, attracts harmony, helps achieve balance, and will bring spiritual purification.
Mint is also not one of the plants that smell bad after being dried and set on fire, but its scent has a calming effect and antibacterial properties.
Goldenrod attracts abundance, prosperity, called the golden virgin, strongly disinfectant, anti-inflammatory, will give courage in new ventures.
Wormwood – every witch should be on good terms with it, it cleanses the aura, has a protective effect, heals the psyche, and when lit before bedtime can aid the process of conscious dreaming, protects the house and its inhabitants, wards off charms, helps with infertility, used in ceremonies and important rituals, weather herb – neutralizes energy disturbances, recommended for odorizing rooms where we work, where there is a computer, telephone and other devices that emit static electricity.
Nettle protects against negative vibrations, it doesn’t smell the best, but with its smoke it will perfectly confront any evil.
Rosemary – strong protection, works on vitality, memory, opens the mind, will bring prosperity, used in protection rituals, will positively resolve conflicts, used in exorcism.
Rose – a love plant, will attract the beloved, stir up sensuality, calm, useful for concentration, complement the meditation ritual.
Chamomile is responsible for attracting love, enhances sexual energy, adds courage, in rituals it was an accessory for warding off demons.
Pine is recommended to burn at important rituals of purification and protection, will give strength, courage in making important decisions, grounding, useful in meditation, focus attention.
Sage – all varieties (not only white) have a very pleasant fragrance, have a strong purifying effect, charge the energy field with positive vibrations, used in mystical rituals, connecting with spirits, astral travel, promotes love.
Thyme will attract love, give courage, heal and cleanse from negative vibrations.
Verbena evokes very positive vibrations, attracts love, abundance, peace, harmony, will help in difficult moments after the loss of a loved one, increases passion, opens the heart, improves the mood, has a protective effect against bad vibes.
Wrotha – another strongly witch’s herb, relieves tensions, accelerates the healing of the sick, has an antiseptic effect, enhances vitality, gives courage, weather herb – neutralizes energy disturbances, recommended to fume the rooms where we work, where there is a computer, telephone and other devices that emit static electricity. Although it has been stirring up a lot of controversy lately because it has been banned by the European Union and cannot be consumed, letting it go in incense has a completely positive dimension.
Heather protects against anger and aggression, helps with female disorders, relaxes, protects and soothes conflicts, enhances love spells.
How to burn herbal incense?
The incense is in the form of a wand, its tip should be set on fire, when the fire occupies the herbs, it should be blown out. Then make several downward, upward, or circular motions and put the whole thing down on a non-flammable stand. With the smoldering incense, you can move around, fumigating the body or the room. However, it is worth carrying a stand, as ash may fall from it. It is important to close all windows before starting the ritual, and open them when finished, even making drafts-this will release stagnant air and cleanse the energy field.
When to burn natural incense?
In the past, burning incense was a common activity, supporting spiritual ceremonies and rituals, then incense was forgotten by cultural changes, but now it is returning to favor. You can do incense burning whenever you want. It can be a daily ritual with meditation or yoga, you can make yourself a delicious tea and just light incense to relax. If you feel tense, overwhelmed, want to think about something, or it’s already so bad that you need a cleansing ceremony-help yourself with herbs from incense and choose an intention. Decking is also advisable indoors, be it a new house or apartment-it will cleanse and create a protective barrier for its occupants. Or do you feel that something is wrong with the vibration where you have lived for a long time? – Then incense will support you and neutralize negative energies. Fogging the room can also be used as a preventive measure, burned herbs have a bactericidal effect. It’s also a good idea to burn incense in a place where there are a lot of devices that emit static electricity-e.g., phone, computer. If there is someone sick in the house, after the illness is over, it is a good idea to fumigate the room where the sick person stayed to eliminate bacteria and pathogens. And if you are a witch- intuition will tell you when to fire the streak 🙂
“The Magic of Polish Herbs,“ by Patrycja Machałek.
“Slavic Witch” by Dobromila Agiles
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