Psychedelic integration is currently a thriving field of supporting experiences after taking psychedelics. Why? Since psychedelics are a powerful tool, and in order to facilitate lasting change and habits, it is worthwhile to lean more closely into integration, and even take advantage of the expertise of psychotherapists who can help us put it together. Integration is the most important part of the entire transformational process, and is the essence for long-term self-development. It is a profound work on oneself that begins from the moment of landing and can last for days, months, years, or even become the path of a lifetime.
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What is psychedelic integration?
Psychedelic integration is based on observing perceptions, emotions and our attitudes during a psychedelic experience (tripa), and then processing and implementing them into our everyday life. The very expression “integration” means “putting the parts together into a whole.” It is a kind of reworking and deep understanding of what has come to us. It is the breaking down of difficult emotions, or situations related to those emotions. The context can be really broad. It is connecting the dots on a mind map. After the interpretation stage comes the moment to lay out a plan of action so as not to waste our intention and what happened during the session. It’s important that the values that came to us permeate our lives permanently and make long-term beneficial changes, so that well-being is a permanent potential that accompanies us.
The process of psychedelic integration may not be easy, the amount of stimuli and the intensity of the experience can confuse us sharply. Sometimes it happens that we are not able to clearly draw specific conclusions, they come to us with time. It happens that only an outsider is able to guide us to them. Sometimes there are so many that we have to prioritize them one by one, because it is simply impossible to implement everything at once. There are also times when change takes a long time, because we have to, for example, accept responsibility for mistakes, stand in truth, or connect with parts of ourselves that we once rejected, hiding deeply. Only after a sovereign analysis of our actions and emotions do we have a calm and solid foundation for our continued existence.
Psychedelic integration can be easy, but it can be quite dramatic, because the changes can be shocking. Our previous paradigms, perceptions of the world, of others, of ourselves can change, and can bring out previously hidden desires or goals. Big changes are most simply difficult, but working on them can make us more comfortable to continue living in harmony with ourselves and the world.
Examples of psychological integration.
After the psychedelic experience comes the reflection, for example, of neglecting some relationship. So it may be worth making a phone call to someone or meeting with them, bring about a sincere conversation between you. Another example might be to take care of your health, so we need to focus on healthy habits. Take care of sleep hygiene, quality of food, start exercising regularly, etc. Rethinking can occur in the professional field, there was a thought that the work we do overwhelms us, does not motivate us. So, we begin to create a path and a plan for what we can do in this area. For some people, for example, this is just a change of company, for others a complete change of industry. The important thing is not to be overwhelmed by big changes. Because these can take us several months or even years. But just being on the way to the goal already changes our thinking and is sometimes a beautiful though difficult journey.
Working with integration for everyone has a different dimension and depends on your individual situation, depends on your intentions, desires and the point where you want to be. On who you want to be.
Types of psychedelic integration
In view of the diversity of the human being and his psyche, there are several recurring and effective methods of integration. It is related to our health, expression and energy. However, it is important to keep in mind that integration is a personal matter and can take place in a very individual and diverse way. We choose what serves us best and do not compare ourselves to others.
Psychedelic integration – physical or somatic
In a healthy body, a healthy spirit. A form of integration can be taking care of one’s well-being on a physical or somatic level. Taking care of your body will be the key here. It is worth going out for a walk, to the woods, going for a jog, practicing yoga. This can help release accumulated stress or be the beginning to take up more frequent activities in nature
Psychedelic psycho-spiritual integration
It’s a very reflective process, focused on your perception of reality, about what kind of person do you want to become? Who are you now? What are your relationships like? What profession do you want your path to be? Are you able to combine your work with who you want to be, according to your heart? There may be existential questions about death, metaphysics. Your relationship with god/the universe, spirituality may come to the surface. And many, many other issues. Integration is about trying to find these answers. When you find the answers, you proceed to take action toward realization.
Psychedelic-emotional integration
In this case, we work on emotions. We process, we process, we feel. Situations and traumas in our lives are collected, like bombs placed in our body. Some events we process right away, and some we leave for later, we block. We block to the point of making our bodies and heads sick. Sometimes it is anger held back for years. Unbidden grief over the loss of a loved one who has died, or with whom we have separated. Blocked can be the anger that should have come out of us, as someone laughed at us at school, and we meekly stood looking down. We have a whole spectrum of human traumas and misfortunes that we have accumulated in our lives, which shape us without necessarily being in harmony with us. The psychedelic experience can become a trigger point for such a bomb and defuse it in a safe environment with greater awareness. Psychedelic integration also touches on those more pleasurable emotions, like gratitude, that we forget so much about on a daily basis. A deep insight into ourselves helps us see the beautiful parts of our personality, our lives, and allows us to look at ourselves with great love.
Why is psychedelic integration so important?
If you don’t integrate the psychedelic experience, it will just be an event, if you want real changes in your life integration is essential. This is a component of psychedelic therapy that can be a great transformation for you. Expecting long-lasting changes – integration after the experience is necessary.
How to conduct psychedelic integration?
The best way is on your own, by meditating, writing a journal, going for a walk or playing sports. You can also help yourself to a therapist or a support group for people with psychedelic experiences. There are more and more such places. Here are some recommendations:
- Polish Society for Psychedelic Integration
- Psychedelic Therapy and Integration|| therapy, help, support
- Psychedelic Therapy and Integration
- Psychedelics – Psychedelic Therapy and Integration
Psychedelic integration will be a process that transforms your intentions and conclusions into reality – take care of yourself.
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