Herbs selected to support us in more difficult moments, to regulate our nervous system.
Meditation, tranquility and the scent of native plants can become a support for our well-being.
A smudge is woven from St. John’s wort, mugwort, lavender, mullein, hugot and nostrum.
Mugwort is an amazing plant that protects and cleanses, St. John’s wort is the king of good mood.
Drinking an infusion of St. John’s wort is an old, proven method of fighting depression.
It will support your vital energy.
Lavender will relax you and make you better rested.
Length about 18 cm (+/- 2 cm) Review photo, incense sticks may differ slightly visually (composition of herbs preserved), they are similar in form, but not identical – this is the result of hands and different forms of plants.
Slavic sorcerous plants assisted both good and evil.
Our ancestors benefited from the knowledge of herbs, and their incense (smudging), or burning, was to ensure the purification of homes, soul and body.
They fought diseases with them.
For unbelievers – burning herbs has antiseptic properties, that is, it has a purifying effect on the air and removes viruses.
That’s why herbs were burned in sick rooms and hospitals to get rid of harmful bacteria, and farm animals were also fumigated to ensure their health.
The incense is in the form of a streak, or wand.
Set the tip on fire, and when the fire occupies the herbs, blow it out.
Then make a few downward, upward, or circular motions ( add cugu) and put the whole thing down on a metal or ceramic stand.
With the smoldering incense you can move around, fumigating your body or home.
However, it is worth carrying a saucer, as glowing ash may fall from it.
It is a good idea to think about the intention of the incense before incensing. For more information on why you should use Polish herbs rather than exotic ones, read here.
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