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Graphic – Goddess Flytrap

The fourth graphic in the series, in which the subject is a toadstool and psilocybin mushrooms.
The psychedelic vision of the toadstool, which has been named king of the forest, this time transforms into a woman of delicate beauty.
The work is made in mixed technique, drawing, watercolor and the artist’s own technique -Przemek Lubczak.
The precise drawing and aesthetics are reminiscent of an old manuscript and medieval engravings.
What if the amanita muscaria – red toadstool – is a woman?
Like a goddess – Mother Earth appears to us in her greatness and power.
Graphic of the Goddess Flytrap is one of five parts dedicated to psychedelic mushrooms.
The whole set side by side creates a beautiful and deep story, and its interpretation is a real pleasure.   Frame dimension: 35 x 28 cm Dimension of the graphic: 23 x 30 cm Passe partout: dark gray color



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kobieta-muchomor Graphic – Goddess Flytra...

