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Our mission is to spread awareness

We offer 100% natural incense and handicrafts created with passion by artists who transform their talents into unique works of psychedelic art. You will also find handcrafted products inspired by the theme of the forest and mushrooms.

Psychodelic Room – what inspired its creation?

Psychodelic Room is a space where we ourselves have found peace. It is a manifestation of freedom and harmony. We love nature, beauty and art; we are forest people and artists who appreciate creators and want to promote exceptional crafts. We love beautiful objects and believe that there are more people who can appreciate the unique field of psychedelic art – art that comes straight from the heart. Our psychedelic shop was created to gather in one place products based on natural ingredients and hand-made works. But we do not stop there…

Psychodelic Room – source of knowledge about psychedelics

Our mission is to promote knowledge and increase awareness about psychedelics. The contemporary psychedelic renaissance that we have the opportunity to witness requires an approach full of respect and responsibility.
That is why the Psychodelic Room is not only a place, but also a source of knowledge about psychedelics. These substances are not entertainment, but a powerful, still insufficiently researched tool for self-knowledge and therapy, which should be treated with the utmost seriousness. For this reason, we strive to provide you with reliable information on our blog.
Knowledge about psychedelics has been passed down orally for centuries, and today we can explore it thanks to books written by mycologists, ethnobotanists, philosophers, scientists and people of culture.
Psychedelic literature not only inspires lovers of these topics, but can also open the minds of skeptics, broadening horizons and arousing curiosity.

Natural incense from native herbs.

Polish meadows contain an incredible wealth of plants that we use to create our Slavic incense – fully natural and created with passion. Each herbal wisp is hand-woven, and our fragrance compositions are available in several variants, with various properties. Looking for an alternative to palo santo, the purchase of which in our region may raise ethical doubts (why? Check here), I started weaving incense sticks myself. I sought inspiration in books on herbal medicine and from experienced herbalists. Over time, herbal incense gained popularity among friends, which encouraged me to include it in the store’s offer.


Our incense does not come from mass production in China, it does not contain artificial additives. We collect herbs ourselves in the meadows from spring to autumn, and each wand is hand-woven with cotton or linen string. Now in the Psychodelic Room, natural incense is created by three witches connected by their love for the forest, nature and people.

Psychedelic art and unique crafts.

Psychodelic Room is a shop that combines various forms of artistic craftsmanship. We are a collective of creators, enthusiasts of psychedelic art and handicraft. Our group includes painters, graphic artists and sculptors. We offer colorful, imaginative works, as well as surreal visions of nature painted with masterful precision by Przemek. Wooden decorations created by our friend Karol will bring a bit of the forest to your home, and ceramic mugs decorated with mushroom motifs will bring a smile to your face with every morning coffee. Necklaces with mushrooms can become your personal amulets, and pots with toadstools will certainly make your plants happy. All products in our shop are created with heart and passion – this is unique handicraft created especially for you. ❤️

Instagram - I see the world through rose-colored glasses.

If you want to see the world through our eyes, check out our Instagram. Although I’ve been looking through rose-tinted glasses for some time now, I’ve always seen the world a bit differently. Why live in greyness and mediocrity when you can experience everything with energy, colour and without boredom? At first, I was skeptical about social media, and certainly about all the “talking heads”. However, it turned out that I had to face my beliefs and accept the times I’m lucky to live in. To create this profile, I needed “wings of courage and wings of truth” – beautiful words that I heard on the Agni Ajurweda podcast. And I have these wings. Here I am! I’m creating this profile by sharing a piece of myself…

In our pink atelier you will find:

  • natural incense
  • handmade ceramics
  • psychedelic paintings
  • jewelry
  • wooden handicrafts
  • natural essential oils
  • psychedelic decorations
  • literature about psychedelics
